Home Care Insurance

Covers your home, your property and your people in the event in an event of an unexpected natural disaster. Insurance against loss by fire, lightning, windstorm, tornado, earthquakes, and other allied risks, when such risks are covered by extensions to a fire insurance policy or other separate policies.

Insurable Properties

– Buildings (completed or under construction) Contents – Stocks, goods or merchandise, machinery, equipment, household appliances, furniture, fixture and fittings, betterments and improvement.

Homecare Basic Plan

Maximum insurance protection for your home and its contents for damage caused by fire plus the following additional benefits:

24-hour, worldwide protection for accidental death and permanent disablement of the insured.
24-hour, worldwide cover for accidental death and permanent disablement of domestic helpers.

Out of pocket expenses for temporary accommodation and removal and storage of the home’s contents if the insured occupies the premises.
Loss of rent, if the insured is a landlord.


Homecare Premiere Plan

Pays for damage to the home and its contents caused by fire and lightning. It also covers losses due to the following perils:

Additional benefits: