Wisemen Insurance Agency

Privacy Statement

Wisemen Insurance Agency recognizes the fundamental principles of right to privacy. We are committed to protect and safeguard your data privacy in accordance with Republic Act 10173 or otherwise known as the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other applicable laws.

What We Collect

Your communication is important to us.When you communicate with us, Wisemen Insurance Agency collects the following personal information, including sensitive personal information, such as:

What We Collect

You may provide us with your personal information. In doing so, you agree and give your consent freely. All information gathered will only be used for the following:

How We Use

You can be assured that all the personal information gathered by Wisemen Insurance Agency shall be used for the afore mentioned purposes only. For our food delivery services, only necessary personal information shall be shared with the delivery rider to deliver your order to you. As company policy, our in-house delivery riders follow the strict confidentiality and non-disclosure rule.

How We Protect

To protect your data privacy, only authorized and qualified Wisemen Insurance Agency controllers and processors have access to personal information. Strict security measures are put in place for the storage of electronic data and custody of hard copies. Hard copies shall be printed only if necessary and safely kept in locked storage accessible only to the Data Protection Officer. The information is then stored in a database for a period of seven years, afterwards, the hard copies shall be disposed of through shredding, while digital files will be anonymized. To ensure security measures, our computer data system undergoes regular maintenance, system audit, and rigorous testing of security protocols to guarantee that all your information is protected at all times.

How We Access, Correct and Remove

Only qualified and trained personnel under the supervision of the Data Protection Officer can access personal information. All data gathered will be treated with strict confidentiality. If you so desire, you can ask for a copy of your own personal data, together with, the identity and contact details of the information controller or representative who gathered and processed your information. In addition, you can also ask to correct, revise or remove your personal information from our database or records. You can do this by making a request and shall be acted upon after proper identification and verification. In case of removal, we assure you that all personal data, both digital and hard copies, shall be disposed or discarded in a secure manner that would prevent further processing, and unauthorized access, or disclosure to any other party or the public, or in any manner prejudice your interest.

Use of Cookies

Wisemen Insurance Agency uses cookies, a piece of data stored by our websites on your computer for us to remember your browsing session and improve your browsing experience on our websites. Third-party services, such as Google, Facebook and YouTube, may also store cookies. While disabling cookies will not prevent you from accessing our website, it may limit your browsing experience with our websites. Cookies, however, will not let us access any other data from your computer.

We also analyze the following anonymized web traffic data through Google Analytics, where the data is not shared with any other party:

Your Rights

You have reasonable access to the personal information you provide us, the right to dispute any inaccuracy or error and the right to correct or revise the same, the right to suspend, withdraw, block or remove, the right to revoke consent to data processing activities, right to data portability, among others. For the complete list. They are enumerated under Section 16 Chapter IV entitled Rights of the Data Subject under Republic Act 10173 or the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Changes to this Notice

Wisemen Insurance Agency reserves the right to make changes in this notice in order to protect your data privacy. Please visit our privacy notice from time to time for updates or changes.

Contact Us

For queries / feedbacks or complaints. You may reach our Data Protection Officer, by sending an email at admin@wisemeninsurance.ph, or by mail at the address below: